Disinformation meant the targeted feeding of specially prepared false data to the enemy in order to disorient it and illicit a response (decisions, measures) that would weaken or otherwise disadvantage it. The disinformation also included some truthful, easily verifiable data to give the rest of the information an aura of credibility, which is what made it difficult to uncover. Disinformation could also be contained in false documents, oral or written agency communications, and could be disseminated by the media and specially issued printed matter. Detecting disinformation was a very important task when reviewing intelligence and materials. Disinformation could be a product of the enemy's special services, but also a product of an initiative by a secret collaborator without the involvement of special services.
DISINFORMATION OPERATIVE – His task was to deflect the attention of enemy special services away from the real mission.
Also see: active measures, Directorate I of the Ministry of the Interior
, Section 36 of Directorate I
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