The Czechoslovak military mission at the Allied Control Council in Germany – West Berlin began its work in Limonenstraße 27 on 8 January 1946. It was for a long time the only Czechoslovak diplomatic mission in West Germany. It even remained formally accredited after the USSR no longer participated in the Allied Control Council. Directorate I also established a residentura in East Berlin. From 1965 – 1970 the Resident was Major Zdeněk Skoba "Sýkora" and from 1971 – 1973 Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Děkan "Nezval". The treaty between Czechoslovakia and Germany, establishing regular diplomatic relations, among other things, was signed in December 1973. Until then the West Berlin mission took over consular functions for all of West Germany. The Intelligence Service worked in American and NATO
facilities in direct cooperation with Soviet and East German intelligence services, used the territory to control agencies from third countries and to carry out embargoed imports and special deliveries for the Ministry of the Interior. In autumn 1968, the Deputy Resident became Major Antonín Jurečka "Jindra". In 1989 there were seven Directorate I servicemen working at the residentura, including the Resident Colonel Ing. Jaroslav Žemlička "Žabka (The Frog)" (legalized in the position of Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Executive, 1st class).
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