- Section 21, Section 15 (1964-1969), Section 1 of Directorate E (1969-1971), Section of operative mechanical evidence, from 1974 – Section 55 (Automation and record section
- 1961 - 1963 (?) Maj. Rudolf Uher "Ulman"
- 1975 - 1976 charged with the funtion of the chief Maj. Josef Lenský "Hladiš"
- 1978 - deputy chief Lt. Ing. Miroslav Navrátil "Košín"
- 1984 - 1990 Maj. Miroslav Žilka "Škoda"
The Section was reponsible for operative records, registration and the archive. It secured, steered and monitored the execution of the registration, recording and archiving agenda:
- it registered, kept records and the statistical evaluation of all newly introduced files and archived terminated files;
- it kept the nationwide records of persons of interest, it secured and carried out all changes in them and as a part of daily duty, carried out lustrations;
- based on an authorisation by the chief od the Directorate, it carried out monitoring of all operative agent
files from the point of view of observing duties and principles ensuing from valid regulations;
- it located, concentrated, evaluated, made excerpts from archived files;
- it kept the central records of blocked persons;
- with the introduction of information technology, it transposed the records into computerised form and created the information systems of Directorate I
In 1967, the creation of an automatised information system of Directorate I was begun, as one of the sub-systems of the integrated information system of the Federal ministry of interior
, with the possibility of utilising information from sub-systems of other forces of the ministry. The Section prepared the agenda for the automatised data processing. The individual projects - systems were labelled:
- P7 – analysis of the utilisation of work time of the collective and the individual
- P18 – personnel records (begun in 1971, completed in 1975)
- P24 – evaluation of information activity on the line of political intelligence (begun in 1974, in use from 1975)
- P24/21 – evaluation of information activity on the line of special forces (begun in 1975, in use from 1976
- P31 – American foreign service (sub-system LILIE) – creation begun in 1969
- P38 – personnel records of staff of the FMZV – in routine use fromm 1971, the project served for complete coverage of staff members of the foreign intelligence in legalisation
at the FMZV
- P43 – records of persons of interest (later on Consolidated records of persons of interest and files) – begun already in 1966, transferred to new computer technology in 1976
- P47 – persons active in special forces of the adversary – begun in 1967
- P53 – intelligence all-inclusive (includes former projects P50, P51 nd P52), participation of the Directorate for automation development of the Federal ministry of interior, routine use since 1974
Organisation of Section 55 in 1976 (staff numbers)

In 1989 the Section also fulfilled the function of a national body of the ČSSR in the international integration of state security information – the so-called System of consolidated knowledge about the enemy. It secured the technical solution of projects and their operation within the automated information system of Directorate I.
See also: Director I of the Ministry of the Interior