Section chiefs:
The personnel section of the 1st Directorate of the Federal ministry of interior was responsible for the personnel policy of the foreign intelligence, in line with the decisions of the Presidium of the Central committee of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia on personnel work. It did so in cooperation with service and party bodies of the 1st Directorate and following orders of superior forces. The relevant legislation was Act No. 100/1970 Coll., on the service duty of members of the National security corps with its secondary legislation, as well as service regulations, orders and decress of the section chiefs. The tasks of the Section were to “augment the level of personnel work, create and carry out the system of selection, preparation and deployment of personnel, promote a larger potential in personnel work, create personnel reserves and, together with the chiefs, to participate in a consequent evaulation of persons based on given criteria“.
Internal structure of the Section in 1989:
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