- 1974 - 1978 col. Albín Kožuch
- 1974 - 1978 deputy chief lt. col. Václav Šubrt
- 1979 - 1983 maj. Josef Sámek
- 1979 - 1986 deputy chief maj. Jiří Bezděcký
- 1983 - 1988 maj. Josef Češelský
- 1986 - 1988 deputy chief maj. Jaroslav Dvořák
The Section dealth with the issues of churches and religious communities. Similarly to Section 4, it focused on the prevention of dissemination of foreign literature and samizdat editions, however solely with religious content. Its task was to monitor and prevent foreign contacts of members of legal and illegal churches. Oit had two departments:
- Department 1 – Roman-Catholic church and its foreign centres,
- Department 2 – non-Catholic churches and their foreign centres.
In 1985, so-called counterintelligence
protection was provided to:
- Archbishop’s Palace Prague;
- Czech Catholic charity;
- Association of Catholic clerics Pacem in terris;
- Catholic newspapers, Spiritual shepherd;
- Evangelical church of Czech brethren Prague;
- Czechoslovak Hussite church Prague;
- Baptist Unity of the Brethren Prague;
- Church of the seventh day adventists Prague;
- Unity of the Brethren Prague;
- Church of the Brethren Prague;
- Evangelical methodist church Prague;
- Religious society of Czechoslovak unitarians Prague;
- Orthodox church Prague;
- Komenius evangelical theological faculty Prague ;
- Hus theological faculty Prague;
- Ecumenic church council of the ČSSR Prague;
- Christian peace conference Prague and its regiona associations.
See also: Directorate X of the Federal ministry of interior