It performed in particular these tasks:
- collected background material, information and other materials needed for the management activities of the Chief of Administration;
- organised and was responsible for drafting and evaluating the basic planning documents of the Administration;
- drafted proposals for the Chief's acts, ensured their distribution and registration, made suggestions for the modification of internal regulations;
- drafted, contributed to or organised the processing of reports, analyses and information submitted to senior officers;
- monitored and inspected the status and level of investigations at the investigation units of the State Security Regional Administration of the National Security Corps (StB KS SNB);
- carried out comprehensive reviews of the work of the StB KS SNB investigation units in terms of the overall level, effectiveness and legality of the investigative process;
- examined the working methods, the level of management and organisational activity of the chiefs of StB KS SNB investigation units;
- monitored the functioning of legislation relating to the investigation;
- centralised new legislation, evaluated professional publications, and provided the necessary information to investigation departments and units of the StB;
- prepared draft opinions for comments on general binding and sectoral regulations and drafted proposals for orders, directives and instructions from the Chief of the Administration;
- organised and provided training for the Administration and further training of all StB investigators;
- drafted proposals for foreign business trips, evaluated staff relations, including fulfilment of contractual documents, organised visits of foreign delegations;
- monitored and inspected the reporting service and statistical reporting; secured the use of computer technology in state security investigations;
- was responsible, to a limited extent, for organising the internal running of the Administration;
- carried out organisational and administrative work related to the activities of the Chief of the Administration and his deputies, kept records of departmental regulations, orders, directives and instructions from the Chief of the Administration;
- ensured filing services and a unified registry, insisted on consistent compliance with file order, and directed filing services;
- ensured the copying of documents for administrative purposes;
- prepared proposals for the material and financial management plan of the Administration, inspected and analyses their implementation and kept required records;
- drafted analyses of financial and material asset management;
- secured transport service and was responsible for the economical use of assigned means of transport.
Also see: State Security Investigation Administration
, Chief of the StB Investigation Administration