From 1956 the first Resident in Teheran was First Lieutenant Vladimír Koudelka "Kugler", and from 1961 there were three operatives stationed at the residentura. From 1962 the Resident was Captain Karel Hotárek "Holický". After August 1968 there were purges and wide-scale changes of personnel. In 1971 the residentura was abolished and Iran was classified among category III countries. The residentura was reopened after the revolution in the summer of 1979 and until 1981 the Resident was Lieutenant Colonel Oldřich Hlavička "Racek (Seagull)". The residentura performed a number of duties, such as defence of the embassy, infiltration of Czechoslovak emigrationand designated facilities in the region,uncovering American and NATO
political, economic and military strategic plans, the Persian gulf as a focal point of regional tensions, and political-economic intelligence gathering in neighbouring countries without a residentura. It fulfilled obligations towards the Soviets with respect to the activation of Soviet foreign policy in the region. From 1987 – 1989 the Resident was Bohumil Doležálek "Kalousek". The last Resident was Captain Ing. Vlastislav Šimek "Šmejkal" in 1989 and Directorate I had four servicemen stationed here in total.
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