By Order of the Minister of the Interior No.8/1962
The Penal Code is the basic regulation for the investigation procedure. We emphasise that the new Penal Code sets out in particular the following principles:
- in particular, the Leninist principle, according to which the means of state coercion and means of persuasion and education must be combined in the fight against crime, shall apply. Stronger measures introduced by the Criminal Code are addressed only where the educational activities of society are not sufficient. In the course of criminal proceedings, it is therefore always necessary to pay careful attention to whether it is necessary to bring the perpetrators to justice and whether there are no grounds for the case to be dealt with before the local people's court, the body of the national committee or by other means of social educational activity (…)
By order of the Minister of the Interior No. 4/1964
Building an advanced socialist society implies further deepening of socialist democracy and the consolidation of socialist legitimacy.
The review of political trials in the years 1949–1954 has revealed serious violations of socialist law in the investigative parts of the Ministry of the Interior and inadequate ful-filment of duties by other law enforcement bodies.
Organisation of the Czechoslovak State Security
Investigation in 1953 - 1989
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1 January 1975 - 31 December 1980 organisational structure
Operation & Analytics
State Security Investigation Administration in 1975 - 1980
Department I
Chief of Administration
Department II
Personnel Group
(since Sept. 1979)
Chief`s Staff
Department III
Regional Administration
Investigative Dept`s
Military Counterintelligence Investigative Dept.
2nd Deputy
1st Deputy
Internal Dept.
Organisational Dept.
Military Counterintelligence Investigative Dept.
Cadre and School Dept.
Investigative Dept. in Prague
1 January 1981 - 31 December 1981 organisational structure
Defence Preparation Dept.
II. zástupce náčelníka správy
Operational Dept.
State Security Investigation Administration 1981
Deputy Chief
Investigative Dept. Bratislava
Inspection Dept.
Regional Administration Investigative Dept`s
Deputy Chief and Chief of the State Security Investigation for the Czech regions
Dept. I
Operational Dept
Dept. II
Conceptual, methodological,
analytical and controlling Section
Operation, organisation, coordination Section
Investigative Dept`s
in Slovak Regions
Organisational structure from 25 March 1971 to 30 June 1974
Deputy Chief and Chief of the State Security Investigation for the Slovak regions
Investigative Dept`s
in Czech Regions
Main State Security Investigation Administration
of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 1971–1974
Defence preparation
State Security Investigation Administration in 1982
Investigative Dept. in Bratislava
Organisational structure as of 1 January 1982
The Inspection
1st Deputy Sector Commander
HQ of State Security - Sector VI (investigative)
VI/B Sector Commander
Deputy Sector Commander
Department III
Department I
(Enemies in the Party)
Department II
Department II
Department I
Department III
(State security members criminal activities)
1951 - 1953 organisational structure
Deapartment IV
(International Brigades)
VI/A Sector Commander
investigative officer
custodial department
(witness interrogations, public relations, bureaus, investigative work for the needs of the sector)
By secret order of the Ministry of National Security No. 100/1953 of 1 April 1953, Minister of National Security arm. gen. Karol Bacílek established the State Security Investigation Administration. The Administration performed the tasks of the defunct sectors VI./A and VI./B Main Administration of the State Security. After the merger of the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of the Interior on 11 November 1953, it was renamed the Investigation Administration of the Ministry of the Interior. From 1 April 1964 to 31 January 1969 it again bore the name State Security Investigation Administration.
Personnel Group
Military Counterintelligence
Investigative Dept.
Defence Group
State Security Investigation Administration in 1986 - 1989
Organisational structure as of 1 January 1986