Hl. stránka
Organizační struktura 1969 - 1989
I. správa SNB
Section III
education, youth, sport
Department 1
Defence preparation and education
Directorate X
1 July 1974 - 31 March 1975
Department 3
(Charter 77, VONS)
Autonomous analytical-information Dept.
Department 2
other churches, sects
Department 1
legal, illegal culture
Section II
culture, science, health
Section V
enemy elements in churches and sects
Department 1
rom.-cath. church
Department 1
foreign students
Planning, steering, coordination, control Group
Directorate Chief
Department 3
mass media
Department 2
health, science
Department 2
Personnel Group
Directorate Chief Deputy
Department 2
ilegal papers
Section I
enemy organisations
Internal Section
Section IV
anti-socialist forces
Department 4
illegal press materials, terror, enemy persons
Department 3
former polit. parties, maoism, trockyism
Department 2
youth and sport organisations
Department 1
right-wing opportunism
© 2015 - partneři projektu: Platforma evropké paměti a svědomí, Centrum pro dokumentací totalitních režimů, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Velvyslanectví Estonska, Nadace Jána Langoša.
Col. Zdeněk Wiederlechner (1930)
Member of the Communist Party since 1945. From 1949 - 1950 secretary of the County Committee of the Communist Party in Třešť. After the military service until 1952 in the department of the Military Counterintelligence of the Regional Military Headquarters in České Budějovice. In 1962 transfered to the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior in České Budějovice as an investigator, later senior officer of the 1st special department (operative records and archive), then 2nd department (counterintelligence). From 1 Apr 1980 - 1 June 1982 Chief of the Regional Department of National Security Corps in České Budějovice. From 1982 - 1988 Chief of Directorate X, responsible for operations against opposition and dissent.
Directorate X est.
Chiefs of Directorate X (1974 - 1988)
Col. RSDr. Vladimír Stárek (1924)
Member of the Communist Party since 1945. After the WWII worked as a teacher. In February 1948 joined National Security Corps. Since 1951 worked in political secretariat of the Ministry of National Security. Since 1953 1st Department of the Directorate II (activties against US spec. services). From 1961 - 1968 VIII. department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. In 1968 reenters to the Ministry of Interior. Since 1 July 1974 until 1982 appointed Chief of Directorate X.
vznik X. správy (1.6.1974)
Náčelníci I. správy
Stručná historie
Directorate X organization structure
Directorate X Chiefs
pplk. Ing. Miloslav Čech
“Čada” (1929 - 1989), náčelníkem od 1. srpna 1968 do sovětské invaze, formálně odvolán v prosinci 1968.
vznik I. správy (1.10.1953)
genmjr. Karel Sochor (1930 - ?) Do března 1981 působil jako zást. ZS/GŠ MNO pro ag. průzkum, bývalý rezident ZS/GŠ v Káhiře. Do funkce ho prosadil genmjr. Vladimír Hrušecký, nám. MV ČSSR, býv. NO 47. odboru. Ve funkci do r. 1989.
plk. Josef Houska
(1924-1997), v období 1961 - 1968 náčelník I. správy MV. Při srpnové invazi se připojil ke křídlu StB, které okupaci napomáhala. U StB mimo I.správu do r. 1985.
pplk. PhDr. Vilém Václavek
“Kainar” (nar. 1944)
posledný pověřený náčelník
od 3. 7. 1989 do 31. 1. 1990.
Ondrej Dovina
(nar. 1925)
Pověřen řízením rozvědky od 21. února 1980 do 28.února 1981.
V letech 1966 - 1969 náčelník
KS StB Košice, 1969 - 1974 náčelník HS StB SSR
plk. Čestmír Podzemný (nar. 1924)
Účastník protifašistického odboje. Před příchodem na MV náčelník
2. odd ZS/GŠ. Od prosince 1968 náčelník I. správy MV do 31.prosince 1970. Od ledna 1971 převelen zpátky na MNO.
genmjr. RSDr. Miloš Hladík (1924 - 1980)
Normalizační náčelník rozvědky, člen KSČ od r. 1945, absolvent Vysoké školy politické v Moskvě, působil v aparátu ÚV KSČ, od 1.ledna 1971 přijat do služebního poměru příslušníka SNB do funkce náčelníka I. správy FSZS. Ve funkci je až do 20. února 1980, kdy náhle zemřel.
plk. Jaroslav Miller (1914-1979)
Od r. 1945 v KSČ, v letech 1953 - 1961 náčelník I. správy MV,
v roce 1961 přeložen a v r. 1962 odvolán a propuštěn ze služeb SNB. Důvodem se stala činnost v průběhu polit. procesů (1949 - 1953) za užívání protizákonných metod při vyšetřování, v r. 1963 mu byla odňata hodnost plukovníka a veškerá vyznamenání.
pplk. Oskar Valeš “Kovář“
Pův. jménem Wetzler, býv. interbrigadista, krajský organizačný taj. KSČ a krajský velitel Lidových milicí v Ústí n. Labem. Od listopadu 1948 náčelník zahr. zpravodajství - Odbor Z. V lednu 1951 zatčen v rámci čistek a odsouzen v r. 1953 v procesu Osvaldem Závodským a spol. za velezradu a sabotáž na 21 let.
plk. PhDr. Karel Vodrážka
“Budín” (1933 - 1989)
náčelníkem od 1. května 1989
do 30. června, kdy náhle zemřel.
Department 2
other churches, sects
Department 3
Czechoslovakmass media
Directorate X
1 January 1981 - 5 March 1986
Department 1
Department 1
leading persons of the right-wing
Department 2
science, health care
Department 1
culture, art, foreign ideo-diversion centres and publishers
Department 3
Charter 77, VONS
Analytical-information, planning and control Section (AIPKO)
Section II
culture, science, health care
Section I
right-wing and opportunistic forces
Department 2
ideodiversion centres
Section V
enemy elements in churches and sects
Personnel and Education Dept.
Department 1
rom.-cath. church
Chief`s Inspection
Section IV
ideodiversion, exile
First Deputy
Department 2
protection of youth and sport organisations
Department 1
foreign students, universities
Department 3
nationalist centres (OUN, NTS..)
Department 2
illegal press materials
Directorate Chief
Department 1
foreign students
Department 3
illegal press materials, terror, enemy persons
Department 2
Department 3
mass media
Section III
education, youth, sport
Department 1
right-wing opportunism
Department 2
former polit. parties, maoism, trockyism
Deparment 1
"legal, ilegal” culture
Directorate X
1 April 1975 - 31 December 1980
2. oddělení
health care, science
Department 1
Department 3
Charter 77, VONS
Section I
antisocialist, enemies
Department 4
OUN, NTS, Radio Free Europe
Section V
enemy elements in churches and sects
Autonomous analytical-information Dept.
Department 1
rom.-cath. church
Department 2
youth and sport organisations
Section I
right-wing and opportunistic forces
Department 1
culture, art, foreign ideo-diversion centres and publishers
Department 3
Czechoslovak radio, television, film, Czech press agency
Department 2
Personnel group
Directorate X of the National Security Corps
5 March 1986 - 1988
Department 1
Roman-Catholic Church
Department 1
foreign students, universities
Analytical, information and planning section
Department 3
operative completion of selected action
Chief’s inspection
Section V
enemy elements
in churches and sects
Department 1
Defence group
Department 1
leading persons of the right-wing
Department 3
former political parties
Section IV
antisocialist force
Section II
culture, science, media
Department 2
science, health care
Organisational and operational section
Department 2
protection of youth and sport organisations
Department 2
other churches, sects
Department 2
former staff members of the state apparatus