Section 59 of Directorate I

  • Section on economic security and services (1971-1974), economic and technical section (until 1975), Economics section


  • 1971 – 1974 maj. Jiří Listopad "Lesný"
  • 1974 – 1979 col. Miroslav Prokopec
  • 1980 – 1984 deputy chief maj. Zdeněk Hurdálek
  • 1981 – 1990 maj. JUDr. Jaroslav Henzl (since 1979 deputy chief)

The Section elaborated proposals of plans for the material and financial provisions of  Directorate I, it kept the required operative-technical accounting records, it carried out accounting services and cashier activities. It was reponsible for the material and financial provisions for the tasks of Directorate I. It elaborated analyses of the material and financial economy of Directorate I, it secured the maintenance and repairs of the buildings allocated for use to Directorate I. It secured and carried out measures ensuing from work safety and fire safety regulations. It further secured the material and economic provisions for Directorate I in times of military alert of the country. It secured the automobile transportation for the purposes of the Directorate and was responsible for economic use of the provided vehicles. It kept records on persons requesting flats, secured the paid leasure of staff members of Directorate I, was reponsible for internal connections on the material, administrative and technical side. 

Structure in 1989:

  • Leadership
  • Internal group
  • Department 1 – finances and planning
  • Department 2 – automobile services
  • Department 3 – material and technical provisions
  • Department 4 – building and accommodation

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